




认知神经科学研究所第2次第12期学术沙龙于2012年10月8日中午举行,由幸运飞艇 三年级博士生沈逢焘汇报之前的工作。目前在记忆再巩固领域,不使用伤害性刺激,对陈述性记忆进行研究的进展尚为空白。本研究中无任何伤害性刺激,以人像(正面中性表情)为刺激材料,采用人像和空间定位点配对的设计,并在记忆提取之后和干扰学习之间设置不同的时间间隔。师生们对实验中存在的问题以及后续设计进行了探讨。

The 12th term of the 2nd round student salon of ICN was held on October 8, 2012. The reporter is Mochun Que,a third-year doctoral candidate gave us an excellent report. At present in the field of memory reconsolidation, the researches develop at the slow rate of progress, for the declarative memory without harmful stimuli. In this study, researchers used faces(front, neutral expression) as stimulus materials, paired with location points, without any harmful stimuli. Different intervals was inserted between memory retrieval and intervention(new learning, same faces with different locations). Then, professors and postgraduates discussed problems in this study and future designs.
